Thursday, April 24, 2008

Saving Image Sequences

Sometimes you know beforehand that a web sites stores images as number sequences. For instance:

You don't know the web page that refers to these images or there are too many pages to browse them and save the images one by one. That's where Picture Ace comes in handy again.

Suppose we know that there are 10 images at called img.jpg. Let's save them. Select Scenery as the current destination folder and use the IE button menu or the IE context menu to create a new task.

Note that although you could use the tray icon menu or the main program menu to create a new task, it is highly recommended to create new tasks from within the web browser, since that allows Picture Ace to get additional information from the web browser (e.g. cookies) and avoid sign-in issues.

When the Task Properties dialog appears, switch to the Sequences tab.

Enter in the Address field. Picture Ace will later replace the @ character (commercial at) with numbers.

Image Sequences Address

Set the range from 1 to 10 and the number of digits to 3.

Image Sequences Range

The Generate button allows you to test the options you just set and see if the program generates correct file names.

Image Sequences Test

Click OK, Picture Ace starts downloading the images. You will see a notification window when the downloading process is finished. Open the current destination folder to view the images.

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