Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Destination Folders and File Naming

A destination folder is the folder Picture Ace saves images to. For example, C:\My Pictures or C:\Photos.

Fairly often you need to save images to different folders. Specifying the folder every time you save an image is very tedious work. With Picture Ace you can easily switch between multiple destination folders.

First, we need to define destination folders. Use the Options -> Destination Folder command to open the Destination Folder dialog. This dialog allows you to create, edit and delete destination folders.

Note that you can also configure Picture Ace to create various subfolders during the task execution automatically. The subfolders are created under the selected destination folder.

When Picture Ace is installed for the first time, three sample destination folders are created: Cars, Sky and Scenery. Let's add one more destination folder. If you want to add more folder than you can. For that you have to click on Add button. Then enter Animals or anything you like in the Alias field and C:\Photos\Animals (or any other folder) field in the Folder. Click OK. Note that there is no need to create the folder in Windows Explorer, Picture Ace creates it for you automatically.

Now we have four destination folders. Note that the selected item in the list is the current destination folder. You can save images to different destination folders. Click OK to apply the new destination folders options and close the dialog.

First, make sure the current destination folder is Animals(or anyother name you like). In the tray icon menu and in the IE button menu the current destination folder is checked.

Now save the picture below using the Ctrl + Click combination or the IE context menu (the Save Image command).

Open the current destination folder (Animals) and make sure the picture has been saved successfully. There are four ways to do it: the File -> Open Destination Folder command, the program toolbar, the tray icon menu and the IE button menu.

Note that this dialog allows you to do one of three actions (we have done the first action):

· Create a new destination folder and leave the current destination folder (Animals)

· Create a new destination folder and remove the current destination folder

· Change the folder of the current destination folder

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