Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Saving pictures from the web

Picture Ace is a complete solution for downloading and saving multiple pictures from the Web. No more Save As dialogs, just one click and the image is on your hard drive! Picture Ace includes special features to download photos and movies from TGP sites.

Prefer to enter file names manually but don't want to specify folders? Fine! Picture Ace allows you to do it.

Define multiple destination folders and switch between them easily to control the images destination folders.

With Picture Ace you can save all images on a web page or a whole web site. The program can skip low-resolution images (thumbnails) and download only high-quality (full-size) ones.

The program enables you to download movies (video) as well as any other file type.

You can also search a local drive for images (or any other file types) that match the criteria needed.

Picture Ace is a straightforward, user-friendly application with a convenient interface. Every item of the user interface has a tooltip that shows its description, overview and other details.

The program User Manual contains tutorials that will teach you how to use the program in no time.

Picture Ace offers multiple file naming schemes and their flexible configuration (a file name prefix, a number of digits, etc.).

You can configure the program to group saved images under various subfolders.

The program can generate and download image sequences too.

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