Monday, August 8, 2011

Alternative Replacements for Windows Explorer

Windows Explorer is a built-in interface that is installed with any Windows operating system computer. The program allows users to see a folder's contents and manipulate files through copying, deleting or transferring such files to another folder. While the program is useful for manipulating files, replacing the interface with another program allows users to have more advanced options including the ability to preview a file without opening it. Several alternative programs are available to replace Windows Explorer free of cost.


FreeCommander is free software that allows for an alternative method to browsing files and folders. The software provides all the usual functions such as the ability to copy, rename, delete and move files, but with the ability to preview multimedia files with a much larger thumbnail. File filtering and file searching are also available to provide easier finding of folders and files. The program can read .zip, .cab and .rar file types.

You can download FreeCommander from its dedicated website (see References) or from a shareware site. You can download and execute the program from a flash drive to avoid installation on a computer hard drive. This enables you to use the interface on any computer without invading someone's memory space.

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