Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Troubleshooting Ace - The program downloads nothing

Make sure:

  • The files (images) you are trying to download have exactly the same extensions as set in the task properties (check the Image is a option). If you're not sure what type images on a web site are, right-click one and select Properties. A window showing the type of the image appears.
  • The files are not discarded by a filter. The Log Window displays discarded files.
  • If you try to download images (files) from a web site that requires login (e.g. Yahoo! Groups or MSN Groups) make sure that either you created the task from the web browser or logged in on the Login tab.

If Picture Ace reports that it scanned a few web pages but found nothing you should open the main window, select the task in question and look through the Log Window. Usually the cause of the failure can be easily determined from the log records.

If the log records don't show anything useful or you just don't understand what these records are all about, just right-click the Log Window and selectCopy Log onto the Clipboard. Paste it to an e-mail message and send it to us. We will try to find out the cause of the failure ourselves and reply to you as soon as possible.

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Cannot see the program button on the IE toolbar

Conflicts Tab – Picture Ace

Links Processing

Source- Pictureace

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cannot see the program button on the IE toolbar

Note, that the button appears only on the Internet Explorer toolbar. If you use an IE-based browser (Avant Browser, MSN, MyIE2, etc.) you should use the tray icon instead.

To make the program's button appear on the Internet Explorer toolbar you may need to take additional steps. If the button is already on the toolbar there is no need to do anything.

1) Open the Web Browser Options dialog and check the Add the program button on the Internet Explorer toolbar option (if not checked yet). Click OK.

2) In case you are using Internet Explorer 6.x or higher you may need to enable Picture Ace add-ons first:

  1. Start -> Control Panel-> Internet Options;
  2. Switch to the Advanced tab;
  3. Make sure the "Enable third-party browser extensions" options is enabled;
  4. Switch to the Programs tab;
  5. Click "Manage Add-ons";
  6. Make sure the add-ons named "IADIEHelper class" and "Picture Ace" are enabled, click OK;
  7. Click OK to close the Interent Options window. 

3) Open Internet Explorer;

4) Select View -> Toolbars -> Customize... (Customize Toolbar dialog opens);

5) Locate and select the Picture Ace icon in the Available toolbar buttons list;

6) Click the Add-> button

7) Click the Close button. The program button is now on the Internet Explorer toolbar

 Increase your Internet Speed as well as get Computer Tech Services online 24x7 by Microsoft Certified Techs.

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Cannot make the Ctrl/Alt + Click combinations work

Conflicts Tab – Picture Ace

Destination Folder Tab

Image Size Tab

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cannot make the Ctrl/Alt + Click combinations work

Note - Ctrl/Alt + Click combinations work only with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher.
Please make sure that you have the Enable third-party browser extensions option enabled:
1.In Internet Explorer click the Tools menu and choose Internet Options;
2.Click the Advanced tab;
3.Scroll to the Browsing section, make sure Enable third-party browser extensions is checked;
4.Close all IE windows and open a new IE window.
Also, make sure no program blocks the Picture Ace BHO (Browser Helper Object).
If nothing of the stated above works, you would have to use another integration method - the IE context menu. Open the Web Browser Options dialog, uncheck the Method 1 option and check the Method 2 option, then restart Internet Explorer.
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Forms Login Tab and Options Tab
Conflicts Tab – Picture Ace
URLs Tab
File Date Tab

Monday, October 6, 2008

Forms Login Tab and Options Tab

Forms Login Tab

The address of the web site or the web page to login at. Enter the address, click Go and login under your account after the web page is loaded.

Options Tab

Create this task in the paused mode The task isn't started after the creation. You will need to start it manually.

 Notify me when the task is completed The program notifies you when the task is completed, no matter if it is successful or not.

Increase your Internet Speed as well as get Computer Tech Services online 24x7 by Microsoft Certified Techs.

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Conflicts Tab – Picture Ace

Destination Folder Tab

File Type and File Size Tab in Picture Ace